Dos mujeres con un bebé después de ser parte del metodo ROPA

What is ROPA method?

The ROPA method (for its acronym in spanish, Reception of Oocytes of the Couple) 

allows a couple of women to opt for a “shared motherhood”.

This technique consists of an In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment for which the oocytes of one of the women and the pregnant uterus of the other will be used, both actively participating in the process, in order to achieve pregnancy term and, consequently, a healthy live newborn at home.



Indicated for:

Couples of women who want to face motherhood in a shared and active way in the reproductive process, either by their own choice and / or for medical reasons of a member of the couple, such as:

  • Alterations in oocyte quality
  • Absence or severe dysfunction of the ovaries
  • Chromosomal or genetic alterations
  • Absence of own oocytes
  • Risk of hereditary transmission of any type of pathology.
  • Failure of other assisted reproduction techniques

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